Horror Happenings! – The 25th Anniversary of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999)

Even 25 years after its release, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT remains one of the most divisive horror films in history. Some moviegoers applauded its keen marketing attack and lo-fi scares, while others saw it as a nausea-inducing shakycam bore.

Over the years, I’m sure fans and detractors alike have wondered what happened to the film’s stars, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael C. Williams. Well, it seems that they were very candid with Variety lately, outlining some contract fuckery that transpired all those years ago. Judging from the comments sections on all the AP reprints across the internet this past weekend, this is shaping up to be as divisive a story as the original film itself.

Make up your own mind by checking out Variety’s original story here.

#horrorhappenings #theblairwitchproject #25thanniversary #heatherdonahue #joshualeonard #michaelcwilliams #variety

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